Proposals: Silex
These images were proposed for Silex Labs open source project's consideration.
Silex has since deferred their request for a logo.
Click any image for a larger preview.
01. Logo Proposal
A proposed logo for Silex Labs (a website building software);

My rationale from the SourceForge thread;
"The concept is definitely "less is more" in mine. I've used the x in your product name to suggest the closing and opening of HTML mark-up tags. While this is a common treatment nowadays, the brackets are symbolic of the very idea of semantic markup. Leaving them open hints at the various possibilities of what will be created next and so it is subliminally prospective and optimistic. The typeface is a liberally licensed SIL open font license. My recommendation would be the top-right and obviously the colour is not locked in. I hope you don't mind if I add it here and leave it for you to move to Github? it shows progress on this thread and might encourage more proposals."
status: suspended
Silex has suspended their search for a new logo.