Proposals: Apache
These images are proposed for the Apache Software Foundation's consideration,
they are not official Apache Designs (fingers crossed though).
Click any image for a larger preview.
01. The Main Logo
A proposed update of the Apache feather;
Completely vector for perfect scaling.

02. The Foundation Logo
Some variations for the Foundation logo,
extending the recognisable feather.

proposal 01:
Wreath configuration

proposal 02:
Apache cross-feather

proposal 03:
Council configuration
03. Installer graphics
Implementing the new vectors in the installation wizard
Proposal on the left (large), existing wizard on right (smaller)

Proposed change

Existing installer
(for reference)
And another installer screen,
With 2 variations I couldn't decide between.

Proposed change 01

Proposed change 02

Existing installer
(for reference)
04. The HTTP-project Website
Updating the HTTP website through CSS only,
(no changes to page contents necessary whatsoever)
These skins work with the structure already in place for most projects.
This is an intentional effort to make adoption of the theme feasible immediately.
The download links have been styled as buttons to improve focus to calls-to-action.

Updated CSS
View the functional preview here !

Existing page
(for reference)
Some mock-up images of what the site could look like
(But this would require content-changes).
05. ApacheCon logo proposal
Vector illustration for use on ApacheCon material

A lanyard (like most conferences offer attendees), bundling Apache feathers, vector illustration.

If the feathers are too cheesy,
this is just the lanyard.
06. Projects website revamp
The proposal to clean up the website
Using mainly unintrusive CSS changes.
Suggestions? Thoughts?
I'm keen to help, but I don't know where the project needs work done, so I'd value any input.
Thanks for looking!
07. Rejected
status: rejected
Apache decided they were not interested in updating their logo or employing any of this material.
Sad but true =(